WARNING: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.


A fun look at the very few places where the Original Swedish Snus probably ought to stay in your pocket

Where can’t you snus? As it turns out, it’s a pretty short list. Unless you get a little creative.

Underwater photo of someone scuba diving.

1. Scuba Diving

Anytime you need a mouthpiece to breathe probably isn’t the best time to be snusing, just as a rule of thumb.

2. Harmonica Solo

You’ve been practicing for this. It’s your time to shine. The last thing you want is your snus coming loose when you’re cuttin’ loose.

3. Hot-Dog Eating Contest

Tobacco-flavored hot dogs? Or would it be hot-dog-flavored tobacco? Doesn’t sound all that appetizing to us. It’s your call, really.

4. Meeting the Queen

Whoa, somebody’s a big deal. It’s probably best to save your tobacco satisfaction until after you’ve shook hands with a world leader.


Two boxing mitts fist bumping.

5. Boxing

OK … technically you can. But we wouldn’t recommend it. One jab to the jaw and the fresh pouch you just put in is a goner. Also, ice that.

6. Whistle-Off

You’ve got to contort your lips into some pretty unique shapes to blow the competition away. Let’s not dampen the sweet sounds of your winning whistle.

7. Operatic Aria

Singing in Italian, German, and French. Snus is just one more variable you don’t need for your career-making moment.


A person parachuting in the sunset.

8. Skydiving

You’re likely to scream (or at least yell) when you jump out of a plane. An open mouth + that much velocity = no match for a little pouch of tobacco.


When we say you can enjoy General Snus anywhere, we don’t mean it literally - but we almost do. As you can see, it’s quite a tall order to find places where you CAN’T enjoy the discreet tobacco satisfaction of the Original Swedish Snus. But if you think you can prove us wrong, the only thing left to do is pack a portion and get out there.

The original swedish snus

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